Plaster is what makes your swimming pool water tight. All Pool finsihes are mixed into a hopper on the back of the truck then shoot into the pool by the use of long hoses and a gun. There is be a team of men in the pool trowling and leveling the pool surface as the nozelman applies the pool plaster/pebble to the pool. Once they are done we will start the water and begin the filling of the pool. This is be done by carefully placing a hose in the floor of the pool in a way which it does not mark the plaster. Pebble and Marquise finishes are a 2 day process. Pebble will be acid washed the following day, Marquise will be acid washed and polished the follow day. After the acid wash/polishing process is complete new fittings and drain covers will be installed. We will start the water and begin the filling of the pool. Do not use fill lines or shut the water off for any reason ( a permenent “bath tub ring may appear if water is stopped). Please see Plaster Care/Pool Start-up for further important information.